*Note this blog is written by our Executive Producer Kyle B. Dekker. This Fringe season he has decided to chronicle HCM's experiences at the Minnesota Fringe Festival. Please enjoy the blog to read about the run of our show, and for reviews of shows Kyle attends during the Festival.
Waiting for Gygax Show #3
The dreaded weekday evening slot every Fringe show has worked out well for us. 8:30PM on a Monday isn't spectacular but we filled about three quarters of the seats in the venue, and that's pretty damn great. The audience was really responsive and every single joke landed again. There was one member of the audience that lost it on every single D&D joke, yes nerds this show is for you. Two more shows remaining to see this mash up of Beckett and TSR.
I only managed one show (other than my own) tonight as I haven't been feeling well the last couple of days. Not sure if it's concussion stuff, or just fatigue from burning the candle from both ends for so long. Once again a reminder I don't do reviews on the Fringe site because I hate the star rating system (you can't rank art FFS).
The Wright Stuff, or You'll Believe They Can Fly! - Outlandish Productions
A loosely historical account of the Wright brothers and their glorious invention. A brilliant piece of comedy that had so much going on, I know I missed stuff while laughing. If I had the time in my schedule I'd see it again.
The cast was stellar. Andy Rocco Kraft did amazing work with freaking mason's jars, trust me. The physical comedy was top notch, I think Andy and Josh Carson will have some serious bruising by the end of Fringe. I would happily watch a demo reel with Suila Altenberg's facial expressions and spit takes. Mike Fotis was so absurd and delivered a series of terrible puns that I adored.
This is the type of show that makes me, a newcomer to Fringe aspire to keep coming back and working on my craft. I'm proud of my show this year, but holy crap The Wright Stuff is a piece of comedy brilliance. So far my favorite Fringe show along with Dick White: Ghost Detective.
One more Gygax show and one show attended. That puts me at 14 total shows attended for Fringe. I will be staying home tomorrow night as I need to rest and recoup so I can continue to see shows this week.