RPG Work
Ghullora Campaign Setting
Ghullora is a setting a couple of centuries after a devastating war among the competing human factions known as the Ten King’s War. The continent-wide destruction of this war has forged the conditions now present and offers an almost Renaissance era setting in a world that has rebuilt from a violent age and is on the verge of the next evolution of civilization.
Ghullora introduces new ancestries, Sorcerous Works, Benefits, religions, equipment, and Houses for use in your Chronicle System (from Green Ronin Publishing) game session.
Manifest Expanded - A Ghullora Campaign Setting Supplement
A mercenary leader with an innate ability to use terrain to their advantage. A back alley thief seemingly able to blend into the shadows at will. A mountaintop herbalist with a knack at creating the most effective poultices and salves for all that ails you. Manifest can be found in every corner of Ghullora, each with gifts unique to them.
Where their unique powers and abilities come from is the subject to much debate, many a rumor, and sometimes even fear and disgust. Regardless of the opinion of the general public, they keep appearing, and their influence and impact on Ghullora and its Houses has yet to be fully realized.
Within this document, Narrators will find more information about possible origins of the Manifest, which are usable as story seeds. Players and Narrators alike will find a new set of organizations, Narrator Characters, Benefits, and Quirks, all designed to add more intrigue and opportunity for use in your Chronicle System (from Green Ronin Publishing) game session.